Why Posture Matters

When I hear “posture,” I immediately sit up with an imaginary book on my head. You too? But posture is much more than a sitting-tall feeling. It’s how each structure in our body sits next to each other. More importantly, it’s how they MOVE next to each other. Muscles shouldn’t have to work hard to keep these structures at home, and nagging problems like headaches and recurrent injuries are probably related to a posture issue. Surprise… the posture issue might not even be located where the pain is!

This is where PhysioNow specializes. We find what isn’t letting the body move freely so those overworked muscles and irritated tissues can have a break. You will be amazed at how a mid-back or hip issue can cause chronic headaches or shoulder pain - our overworked muscles give their 110% to try correcting the posture issue, but at the expense of something else. Of course, we provide plenty of TLC to the irritated area too. We want the whole body to feel the freedom to move without thinking about posture!


What to expect after Treatment